Tamagoyaki (卵焼き) - A sweetened Japanese rolled omelette

For 4 Servings Persons Preparation Time ca. 5 Minuten
- 3 large eggs
- 2 Tbsp neutral-flavored oil
- 3 Tbsp Japanese soup stock
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp mirin
- 2 pinch salt
- Put the prepared dashi, salt, mirin, soy sauce, sugar, and water in a bowl. Mix them until everything is well dissolved.
- Beat the eggs and add the seasoning mixture in a medium-sized bowl. Mix the egges with the seasoning until they are well mixed.
- Heat a tamagoyaki pan over medium-high heat. Brush a thin layer of oil on the pan.
- Pour a third of the mixed eggs into pan and cover the entire pan with the mixture. When the egg is half cooked, gently roll the egg on the pan to the one side of it.
- Pour in the remaining egg mix on the empty side of the pan next to the rolled egg. When the newly placed egg is half cooked, roll the rolled egg over the newly placed the egg.
- Slice into pieces and Enjoy!