Japanese Chu-hi, short for "shochu highball," is a popular alcoholic beverage in Japan. It typically consists of shochu, a Japanese distilled spirit, mixed with carbonated water and flavored with fruit juices or other flavorings. The alcohol content of chu-hi ranges from around 3% to 9%, making it relatively light compared to other alcoholic beverages like sake or beer.
Chu-hi gained popularity in Japan as it comes in a wide range of flavors, including lemon, grapefruit, peach, lychee, and more. This variety appeals to different tastes and preferences, making it popular among a diverse range of consumers. Chu-hi is known for its refreshing and easy-to-drink taste, especially when served cold over ice. This makes it a popular choice, particularly during the hot and humid Japanese summers.
Compared to other spirits like whiskey or vodka, chu-hi has a lower alcohol content, making it a more approachable option for those who prefer milder drinks or want to consume alcohol in moderation. In recent years, chu-hi has become increasingly popular among younger generations in Japan, who enjoy its fruity flavors and social appeal. Its status as a trendy and fashionable beverage has further contributed to its widespread popularity.
Chu-hi is relatively easy to make at home. So, let' make our own Chu-hi!
For 1 Persons Preparation Time ca. 5 Minuten
- 60 ml Japanese shochu (preferred flavors include barley, sweet potato, or rice)
- 120 ml club soda or sparkling water
- Ice cubes
- Lemon wedge or other fruit (optional, for garnish)
- Simple syrup (optional, for sweetness)
- Fill a highball glass with ice cubes.
- Pour the Japanese shochu into the glass.
- If desired, add a splash of simple syrup for sweetness. Stir gently to mix.
- Top up the glass with club soda or sparkling water.
- Garnish with a lemon wedge or other fruit if desired.
- Stir lightly once more and serve immediately.