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At parfumdreams.de, there are many ways in which you can pay for your orders. You can find out which are available at the moment by clicking on the desired payment method and obtaining more detailed information on this method in this way.

Please note that when placing an order for shipping via the dispatch method DHL Express, you can only pay via PayPal, credit card, and if possible, on account and direct debit.


PayPal is the online payment service with which you can pay in online shops securely, easily, and quickly - and free of charge. PayPal also provides the following benefits:
- Secure: your bank or credit card details are only stored by PayPal. Therefore, they are not resent over the Internet every time you make a purchase online.
- Easy: you pay in two clicks. This is because, with PayPal, you use your saved bank or credit card details instead of re-entering them for every purchase.
- Fast: PayPal payments are received quickly. The seller can then send the goods immediately, and you receive them quicker than before.

Credit card via PayPal / Klarna

When paying by credit card, easy and quick processing of your order is guaranteed. To do so, you only have to enter your credit card number and the 3/4-digit security code on the back of the credit card, as well as the date on which the credit card expires. If your credit card is protected by MasterCard 3D Secure or Verified by Visa, you will be forwarded to a secure website hosted by your credit card issuing bank, where you have to enter the protection code. As soon as the credit card is accepted, the payment is made. The dispatch of your goods is initiated as soon as the credit card is accepted. You can obtain further information on MasterCard 3D Secure.

Sofortüberweisung via Klarna

When paying by instant bank transfer, the transfer is made directly. In addition, the merchant receives an immediate confirmation that the transfer was ordered, so that he does not have to wait for the receipt of payment, as is the case with prepayment. Thus we can process your order as quickly as possible and send it to you.

Bank Transfer

Advance payment (also prepayment or cash in advance) is a contractual condition that requires the buyer to pay the purchase price before the seller begins to make the contractual goods delivery. This means that the customer undertakes advance performance, i.e. pays in advance and we then send the goods.

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