Lotte Milkis 500ml
Lotte Milkis 500ml
what makes Lotte Milkis 500ml different
This is a typical carbonated drink with a taste that naturally balances the softness of milk with the exhilaration and sweetness of carbonic acid. It was created for students in their teens and 20s who are tired of studying. It is a product that is loved not only in Korea but also overseas (Russia, the United States, Hong Kong, etc.).
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 130kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
31g |
Protein | 1g |
Natrium (Salt) | 15mg |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 130kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
31g |
Protein | 1g |
Natrium (Salt) | 15mg |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Often bought together
Often bought together
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Ramune and Soda Drinks in Korea und Japan
From Ramune, which is one of the modern symbols of summer in Japan, Calpis, Milkis and Cida, Koreans and Japanese soft drinks. They are widely known for the uniquely refreshing taste and are often widely consumed during warm festival days and nights. A really good Japanese soda. Japan and Korea has so many amazing drinks with unique flavors from melon, banana to grapes. NikanKitchen now offers the best Japanese and Korean soft drinks for online sale! These include soft drinks from popular Korean and well-known brands such as Lotte, Haitai and Pocari Sweat. Browse through our selection of the best soft drinks from Korea and Japan and let us know when we need more!