Sempio Green Tea with Brown Rice 30g
Sempio Green Tea with Brown Rice 30g

what makes Sempio Green Tea with Brown Rice 30g different
It uses only high-quality green tea leaves from Hangzhou, the representative green tea region of China, famous for longjing tea. How do I drink brown rice green tea? Put brown rice green tea tea bag in 100 ml of warm water and enjoy after boiling well. When should I drink brown rice green tea? If you are in good shape, you want to drink plenty of water, when you have more than two cups of coffee, or when you need healthy tea that you can enjoy every day without worrying about caffeine.
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 4kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
0g |
Protein | 0g |
Natrium (Salt) | 0g |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 4kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
0g |
Protein | 0g |
Natrium (Salt) | 0g |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Often bought together
Often bought together
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Teabags in Korea und Japan
In Japan Matcha, Sencha, Genmaicha and More Japanese tea is a beverage known worldwide for being both healthy and delicious. The country's history with tea goes back more than 1,000 years to when tea drinking was first introduced to Japan from China by Buddhist monks. Tea is the most commonly drunk beverage in Japan and Korea an important part of Japanese and Korean food culture. Various types of tea are widely available from green tea, sencha, genmaicha, corn hair tea to barely tea. Korean tea is a beverage consisting of boiled water infused with leaves, roots, flowers, fruits, grains, edible mushrooms, or seaweed. All kind of tea is served as a tea bag so that one can enjoy delicious tea at any time! NikanKitchen now offers the best Japanese and Korean tea for online sale! These include tea from popular Korean and well-known brands such as Sempio, Fukujuen and Giontsujiri. Browse through our selection of the best tea from Korea and Japan and let us know when we need more!
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