Marumiya Furikake Shiso no Ka 30g
Marumiya Furikake Shiso no Ka 30g

what makes Marumiya Furikake Shiso no Ka 30g different
This is a sprinkle that you can enjoy by sprinkling it on rice or mixing it with rice for the aroma and flavor. You can sprinkle it, mix it, or use it for a variety of dishes such as porridge, seasoning, and pasta.
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 3.2kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0.036g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
0.59g |
Protein | 0.65g |
Natrium (Salt) | 5.6mg |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 3.2kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0.036g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
0.59g |
Protein | 0.65g |
Natrium (Salt) | 5.6mg |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Often bought together
Often bought together
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Dried Rice Seasoning in Korea und Japan
The sprinkle known as Japanese Furikake was invented by Suekichi Yoshimaru who was a pharmacist. Beginning to sell bottles by adding seasoning, roasted sesame seeds, poppy seeds, laver, etc. so that people who dislike fish can sprinkle on rice. Furikake keeps evolving, new products are on the rise. Not only is it changing the white rice deliciously, but also it is used as seasonings for udon noodles, soba, spaghetti toppings, salad dressings, and so on. it is also widely used to make rice balls. Because of its easiness to turn white rice so special, japanese and korean use furikake to make rice balls for their children, who love rice balls, and for a picknick. Please meet a delicious sprinkle for Japanese and Korean cuisine loved worldwide at NikanKitchen!
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