Kikkoman Usukuchi Shoyu 500ml
Kikkoman Usukuchi Shoyu 500ml
what makes Kikkoman Usukuchi Shoyu 500ml different
Kikkiman Light Taste Soy Sauce is a light-colored soy sauce for cooking. It is characterized by a mild sweetness and flavor that enhances soup stock, a light color that accentuates ingredients, and a gentle aroma. It is used for seasonal vegetable dishes, such as simmered dishes and soups, and brings out the color of the ingredients to create a vivid color and strong flavor. Kikkiman Light Taste Soy Sauce is brewed with a light color and a mild aroma to bring out the color and flavor of the ingredients. Light soy sauce has a higher salt content than regular koikuchi soy sauce, so do not forget to taste when cooking.
Water, table salt, defatted soybeans, wheat, fructose-glucose syrup, rice, alcohol, soybeans
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 305kJ/72kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0g 0g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
11g 3.3g |
Protein | 6.7g |
Natrium (Salt) | 18.5g |
Best before date : 30.06.2025
The actual best before date of the shipped product may vary depending on stock availability.
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Water, table salt, defatted soybeans, wheat, fructose-glucose syrup, rice, alcohol, soybeans
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | 305kJ/72kcal |
Fat - of which saturated |
0g 0g |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
11g 3.3g |
Protein | 6.7g |
Natrium (Salt) | 18.5g |
Best before date : 30.06.2025
The actual best before date of the shipped product may vary depending on stock availability.
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
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Often bought together
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Soy Sauce in Korea und Japan
Soy sauce has a history of about 3000 years. Its departure is known as China, but a variety of soy sauces have been developed in Japan and South Korea. Soy sauce is a typical basic seasoning of Korea and Japan. It is widely known as a universal seasoning with three cooking staples - flavor, aroma and color. Soy sauce, is widely used in many different kind of meals in Korea but soy sauce in Japan is one of most important seasoning that most of the dishes contain soy sauce. Many people think of soy sauce as just one type of soy sauce, but in fact, there are very different types of soy sauce. Soy sauce that is mainly used for stir-frying, and deep-fried, and Tamari soy sauce is used for sushi and teriyaki. Start enjoying a variety of Japanese and Korean soy sauces at NikanKitchen!