Suntory Kakubin, Original Fine Quality Whisky, 700ml
Suntory Kakubin, Original Fine Quality Whisky, 700ml

what makes Suntory Kakubin, Original Fine Quality Whisky, 700ml different
It is a whiskey that features Yamazaki and Hakushu distillery's bourbon barrel liquor in a well-balanced manner, a sweet aroma, thick rich flavor, and dry after-taste.
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | |
Fat - of which saturated |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
Protein | |
Natrium (Salt) |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
Product information according to the LMIV (Lebensmittel-Informationaverordnung) is provided as soon as possible
Nutrition per 100 grams
Energy | |
Fat - of which saturated |
Corbohydrate - of which sugar |
Protein | |
Natrium (Salt) |
Important Information
Product packaging, specifications, BBD and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
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Whiskey in Korea und Japan
Japan is famous for its unique mix of tradition and innovation. And perhaps that is the secret to the success of Japanese whisky. Connoisseurs have come to appreciate the quality of Japanese whisky, which easily measures up to the best Scottish and Irish whiskeys thanks to the choice selection of ingredients and the care given during the production process. NikanKitchen now offers the best whisky from Korea and Japan for online sale! These include whisky from the multiple award-winning flavour of this unique spirit brands such as Suntorys, which is as pioneered the Art of Japanese Whisky to the Nikka malt whisky that can proudly take its place alongside any traditional Scotch whisky.. Browse through our selection of the best whisky from Japan and let us know when we need more! By the way, you must be over 18 to purchase items from this category!
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